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Emergency Management

  • Burleigh County and City of Bismarck Seek Community Input on Mitigation Plan Update

    Burleigh County and the City of Bismarck want your input regarding how to make our community safer from potential hazards/disasters.  We’re examining the hazards facing our community as well as strategies to mitigate (reduce or eliminate) their impact.  Our current plans have been approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and require an update every five years. 

    Citizens are invited to complete a brief survey by April 10thClick here for survey link.

    Mitigation is defined by any action taken before an incident occurs to reduce loss of life and property.

    Mitigation's value to society includes:

    • Creating safer communities by reducing losses of life and property.
    • Enabling individuals and communities to recover more rapidly from disasters.
    • Lessening the financial impact of disasters on individuals and communities.
  • Apple Creek Sloughing

    Local Officials Meet to Discuss Apple Creek Sloughing - September 5, 2024

    Local officials from Burleigh County, Burleigh County Water Resource District, ND Department of Emergency Services, ND Department of Water Resources, US Army Corps of Engineers, and University of Mary representatives met to discuss the history of the sloughing along Apple Creek, recent activity, short-term planning, and long-term mitigation opportunities.

    Burleigh County officials have been actively monitoring several areas of sloughing along Apple Creek since 2020. The area along Sibley Drive (south of Dogwood Drive) has become more active in the last month. The Burleigh County Highway Department has installed rip rap to stabilize the west bank to protect the roadway with regulatory permitting obtained through the US Army Corps of Engineers. 

    The University of Mary is completing a multi-year slope stabilization project east of Apple Creek and west of their campus which is not the cause of the historically documented sloughing.

    Currently, Apple Creek is naturally widening in the areas of recent activity and continues to be monitored with drone surveillance and onsite visits.

    The Burleigh County Water Resource District in coordination with Burleigh County Emergency Management will be developing an emergency action plan to address the potential for larger Apple Creek slope failures. Modeling will also be developed to evaluate potential long-term mitigation project(s) and determine associated costs. 

Contact Us

Burleigh County
221 N 5th St
Bismarck ND 58501
T: 1 701-222-6718

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