Voter ID Requirements
Identification must include the voter's:
- Name
- Current North Dakota Residential Address
- Date of Birth
Acceptable Forms of Identification:
- North Dakota Driver's License
- North Dakota Non-Driver's Identification Card
- Tribal Government Issued Identification
- Long Term Care Certificate
If an individual's valid identification does not include the North Dakota residential address or that address is not current, a voter may supplement the identification with:
- A current utility bill
- A current bank statement
- A check or document issued by a federal, state, local or tribal government
- A paycheck
- A printed student voting certificate issued by an institution of higher education for an enrolled student accompanied by the student photo identification card issued by the institution and containing the student's photograph and legal name.

As a college student, what requirements must I meet to vote in Burleigh County?
College students need to meet the four requirements that all voters must meet:
- 18 years of age or older;
- United States citizen;
- North Dakota resident;
- and have lived in their precinct for at least 30 days before the election.
Students that are from North Dakota and currently reside in Burleigh County usually meet the four requirements but often elect to vote by absentee in their home county because they want to maintain that as their residence. Students maintaining their North Dakota residency while attending school out-of-state are eligible to vote by absentee ballot using their North Dakota address. Students that are residents of Minnesota or other states should request an absentee ballot from the state they maintain as their residence.
Contact Us
Elections Coordinator
221 N 5th St
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: (701) 222-6694