Benefit Information
Employee benefits are an important part of Burleigh County's total compensation program. Burleigh County strives to keep a competitive benefit package by offering affordable, but comprehensive, insurance plans.
This is a brief overview of the benefits offered by Burleigh County and provides employees and prospective employees with valuable information about the benefits offered.
Direct Deposit
Burleigh County has made direct deposit mandatory for all employees effective January 1, 2010. This option is an excellent way to ensure your check is deposited automatically into your checking or savings account on payday. You may elect up to three different accounts/banks for deposit.
Health Insurance
Burleigh County offers health insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield of ND (BCBSND). The County pays a generous portion of the health insurance premium for full-time employees. The plan is effective on the 1st of the month following first day of employment. Open enrollment is in November for effective date of January 1. BCBS Benefits Overview.
Burleigh County participates in the North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System (NDPERS ) Retirement plan. Participation is automatic with the first day of employment.
Deferred Compensation
Employees may contribute money into a 457 retirement savings plan through Nationwide Retirement Solutions. Burleigh County's Nationwide representative visits the County twice a year to hold meetings for new participation or changes to current saving plans.
As an active member of the North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System (NDPERS) program, you are able to vest in the employer contribution by participating with a minimum vesting contribution of $25 in the Deferred Compensation Program. Your member account balance will be automatically credited with the amount of employer contribution you have vested each month up to 4%.
*This option is not available to employees hired after January 1, 2025.
Life Insurance
Employees may participate in a Life Insurance Plan. Burleigh County pays the first $25,000 of life insurance on full-time employees and the first $13,000 on part-time employees. Additional life insurance is available at the employee's expense for the employee, spouse and dependents.
Supplemental Insurances
Add pieces to your benefit package! The following supplemental insurances are available through Noridian Insurance Services.
• Voluntary Life & AD &D
• Cancer Care Elite
• Accident Elite
• Critical Care Elite
• Hospital Confinement Plan
• Short Term Disability
• Vision
• Dental
Flexible Benefit Plans
Under the Section 125 program, you may choose to pay for a portion of qualified insurance premiums with Pre-Tax dollars. Burleigh County uses Discovery Benefits to manage their Flex Accounts.
• Dependent Care Spending Account allows you to set aside Pre-Tax dollars to pay for day care expenses for children under the age of 13 or for a disabled spouse or other disabled dependent.
• Medical Spending Account allows you to set aside Pre-Tax dollars to pay for eligible medical expenses that are not paid by insurance, your employer, or reimbursed by any other source.
Burleigh County employees currently receive a corporate discount. YMCA members must contact the YMCA for enrollment forms.
Employee Assistance Program
Burleigh County offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through The Village Family Service Center. EAP provides short-term, confidential counseling for you and your family at no out-of-pocket expense to you.
Tuition Reimbursement
Burleigh County offers tuition reimbursement to all employees in order to maintain a high degree of efficiency within their position, secure the best training available to ready themselves for promotional opportunities and keep up to date with advanced programs which reflect technical and professional changes within their fields.
Annual Leave
Based on the standard forty hour work week, annual leave shall accrue on the following basis for 24 pay periods:
• 0 - 3 Years of Service, 4 Hours/Pay Period or 96 Hours/Year
• 4 - 7 Years of Service, 5 Hours/ Pay Period or 120 Hours/Year
• 8 - 12 Years of Service, 6 Hours/Pay Period or 144 Hours/Year
• 13 - 18 Years of Service, 7 Hours/Pay Period or 168 Hours/Year
• Over 18 Years of Service, 8 Hours/Pay Period or 192 Hours/Year
Sick Leave
Based on a standard forty hour work week, sick leave will accrue on the first two (2) pay periods of each month at the rate of four hours per pay period (24 pay periods) for an annual amount of 96 hours with unlimited accumulation. Sick leave may be used for illness where the employee is unable to work as well as for medical, dental, optometric, chiropractic, or health related appointments. Sick leave may also be used by an employee to attend to the needs of certain family members who are ill, to assist them in obtaining medical services, and/or other services related to their health or well-being.
Burleigh County observes the same holidays as ND State Government. These paid holidays are:
• New Year's Day
• Martin Luther King Day
• Presidents Day
• Good Friday
• Memorial Day
• Independence Day
• Labor Day
• Veteran's Day
• Thanksgiving Day
• Christmas Day, and County offices will close at noon on December 24th unless it is an observed Christmas holiday or weekend.
• Burleigh County will also observe every day appointed by the President of the United States or by the Governor of ND
Contact Us
Burleigh County Human Resources
316 N 5th St, Suite 106
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: (701) 222-6669