National Preparedness Month
Established in 2003, National Preparedness Month is held each September to increase public awareness about emergency preparedness.
National Preparedness Month (NPM) aims to educate and empower Americans during NPM and throughout the year to prepare for and respond to all types of emergencies.
You Are The Help Until Help Arrives
Life-threatening emergencies can happen fast. Emergency responders aren't always nearby. You may be able to save a life by taking simple actions immediately. You Are the Help Until Help Arrives.
Web-based training

Save Early for Disaster Costs
- Plan financially for the possibility of disaster
- Check your insurance coverage
- Visit to learn more about flood insurance and how to protect your home or business
Make a Plan to Prepare for Disasters
- Make an emergency plan today & practice it:
- Practice evacuating in the car with your animals, so they're more familiar if you need to evacuate in an emergency.
- Be prepared for a power outage by having enough food, water, & meds to last for at least 72 hours:
Teach Youth to Prepare for Disasters
- Teach children what to do in an emergency if they are at home or away from home.
- Help your kids know how to communicate during an emergency. Review these topics with them: Sending text message; Emergency contact numbers; Dialing 9-1-1 for help
Get Involved in Your Community's Preparedness
- Learn about the hazards most likely to affect your community and their appropriate responses.
- Take classes in lifesaving skills, such as CPR/AED and first aid, or in emergency response.
Contact Us
Burleigh County Emergency Management
4200 Coleman St
Bismarck, ND 58503
Phone: (701) 222-6727