2020 Burleigh County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan
(Federal Emergency Management Agency approved August 27, 2020)
Burleigh County Emergency Management maintains a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Mitigation Plan is updated every five years and approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Our current plan was approved August 27, 2020 and is valid through August 26, 2025.
Please feel free to review the 2020 Approved (current) Plan
If you have a mitigation idea that could reduce the impact of future emergencies or disasters in Burleigh County, please contact us in writing, e-mail, phone or fax.
Mary Senger, Director
Burleigh County Emergency Management
4200 Coleman St
Bismarck, ND 58503
Phone: 701-222-6727
Fax: 701-255-5239
Community Input on Mitigation Plan Update
Burleigh County and the City of Bismarck want your input regarding how to make our community safer from potential hazards/disasters. We’re examining the hazards facing our community as well as strategies to mitigate (reduce or eliminate) their impact. Our current plans have been approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and require an update every five years.
Citizens are invited to complete a brief questionnaire by April 10th. Click here for survey.
Mitigation is defined by any action taken before an incident occurs to reduce loss of life and property.
Mitigation's value to society includes:
- Creating safer communities by reducing losses of life and property.
- Enabling individuals and communities to recover more rapidly from disasters.
- Lessening the financial impact of disasters on individuals and communities.