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United States Geological Survey (USGS) WaterAlert
The U.S. Geological Survey WaterAlert service sends e-mail or text messages when certain parameters measured by a data-collection station exceed user-definable thresholds. The development and maintenance of the WaterAlert system is supported by USGS and its data-collection partners, including numerous federal, state, and local agencies.

Real-time data from USGS gages are transmitted via satellite or other telemetry to USGS offices at various intervals; in most cases, once every 1 or 4 hours. Emergency transmissions, such as during floods, may be more frequent. Notifications will be based on the data received at these site-dependent intervals.

United States Army Corps of Engineers Logo

United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Current Conditions

Hourly Releases

Daily Mainstem and Tributary Reservoir Bulletin

Missouri River Basin Weekly Update

Regulation Forecast (Daily forecast releases for three-week period)

Burleigh County Water Gaging Stations

The Burleigh County Highway Department has 14 Water Gaging Stations being monitored by employees, law enforcement and local residents.

**The water gage measurements are only to be used as an indicator of rising or falling water levels. They are not to be used as actual flood levels.

Contact Us

Burleigh County Emergency Management
4200 Coleman St
Bismarck, ND 58503
Phone: (701) 222-6727

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