2016 Christmas Blizzard

Stay up to Date on the Christmas Storm Here!
National Weather Services (Bismarck Office) Briefing Page

ND Department of Transportation Travel Map, click here.
December 28, 2016: Burleigh County plows will continue to work in subdivisions the rest of this week.
December 27, 2016: Burleigh County Offices will be closed, Tuesday, December 27th due to the blizzard and road conditions.
County plows are out and will be working 6 AM through 6 PM the rest of the week. They have started getting into subdivisions this morning.
December 26, 2016: Burleigh County snow plows worked the emergency routes last night. They are back out today and will work until sunset to keep the emergency routes open and work on major routes. It is not anticipated they will be getting to any subdivisions today.
Due to the enormity of the blizzard and ongoing winds/gusts, your patience is greatly appreciated.
December 22, 2016: Uncertainty remains regarding the severity of this weekend's storm; however, it does appear that Burleigh County is in for a winter storm or possibly a blizzard. As weather permits and as needed, Burleigh County's plows and sanders will be operating from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, December 24th through Tuesday, December 27th. We will be concentrating on our major routes throughout the County and supporting emergency services where needed. The public can help our operations by keeping the following items in mind:
- Pay attention to the weather, not only your current location, but also your destination and your travel route.
- No travel advised really means, stay off the roads. Stuck vehicles impede the ability of snow plows, and emergency services may not be able to reach you.
- Conditions in town may be passable but blowing and drifting snow may make travel out of town impossible.
- If conditions are bad, stay put at a safe location. It is better to take an extra day to get somewhere then to spend the night in your car.
- If you must travel, dress appropriately and pack a winter survival kit and always inform others of your travel plans to include your route as well as leave and arrival times.
- If your vehicle gets stuck and abandoned on a County or Township road please report its location to our office at 701-204-7748.
Take your time and have a safe Christmas weekend.
Marcus J. Hall P.E.
Burleigh County Engineer
City of Bismarck Updates
City of Bismarck residents can find information regarding snow plows and more by clicking here.
Contact Us
Burleigh County Emergency Management
4200 Coleman St
Bismarck, ND 58503
Phone: (701) 222-6727