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Property Tax Info

Property Detail Search
The information provided is believed to be reliable; however, its content cannot be guaranteed and should not be relied upon for legal purposes. The owner information will reflect the data on the most recent tax statement.

The search engine allows you to perform searches by address or property ID/parcel #.

To generate high-quality results, follow these tips:

  • To search by address, enter as little as possible while still giving enough to narrow down the number of responses. Using only the house number will generate a list of properties to choose from. 
  • To search by property ID/parcel #, enter the entire string of numbers with or without the dashes. The parcel number is located on your property tax statements. 

  • On the results page, you will need to click on the desired property ID/parcel number to retrieve information.

    REMINDER: Enter as little as possible in address field.

    Property Search



To receive the 5% discount, the property tax payment must be received by the deadline, or the envelope postmarked on or before the deadline. The 5% discount will not be applied to any payments received or envelopes postmarked after the deadline. 

Disclaimer: Burleigh County cannot guarantee services from the United States Postal Service or any other courier. Date stamps are guaranteed through our drop box or personal delivery to the Auditor’s Office.



Payment Options
The Auditor/Treasurer's office has provided the following Payment options for Real Estate taxes.
Please choose one of the payment options below:

  1. Online
  2. Phone - dial 1-800-272-9829 and use Jurisdiction Code 4434. Requires a property #.
  3. Mail - address payment to Burleigh County Auditor, PO Box 5518, Bismarck ND 58506.

E-check transactions will be charged a processing fee of $3.62 for amounts less than $10,000, $18.11 for amounts $10,000 or greater, per transaction.

Credit Card transactions accepted using the online or phone payment options only, and will be charged a processing fee of 3.45% plus a $.28 service fee by ACI Payments, Inc ®, with a minimum fee of $1.67.

Pay Property Taxes



Property Assessment Details

Rural Property

City of Bismarck Property

Contact Us

Burleigh County
221 N 5th St
Bismarck ND 58501
T: 1 701-222-6718

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