Highway Department
The Burleigh County Highway Department is responsible for providing a safe, well-maintained county road and bridge system that will ensure reliable and convenient access for Burleigh County residents, and to promote economic development of the area.

The main county shop is located at 8100 43rd Ave NE Bismarck, ND 58503. The County Engineer's office as well as the Road Superintendent's office is located at this location. This is a full-service shop that performs maintenance on all of our county vehicles and houses much of the equipment used to maintain the county and township road system within Burleigh County.
The winter office hours at the Bismarck shop are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The summer office hours are Monday through Thursday, 7:00am to 5:30 pm, and 7:00 am to 5:00 pm on Fridays.
In addition to the Bismarck shop, there are three other satellite shops located within Burleigh County. They are located in Wilton, Wing, & Sterling. These facilities house motor graders, snow equipment and other maintenance items. There is no office staff at these facilities and often are unattended as employees are usually working outside the shops on the roads or other projects.
The Highway Department employs 46 regular employees year round. In addition, during the summer months, 8 to 10 temporary employees are employed to assist with construction projects and other seasonal tasks.
The Highway Department is overseen by a County Commissioner that is assigned to the Highway Department portfolio. To see all the current County Commissioner portfolio assignments or to view current County Commissioner contact information click here.
Are you a new resident to rural Burleigh County? Click here for a quick general information reference page.
Contact Us
Burleigh County Highway Department
8100 43rd Ave NE
Bismarck, ND 58503
Phone: (701) 204-7748