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Extension Office

Exterior Picture of the Burleigh County Extension Office

NDSU Extension - Burleigh County
3715 East Bismarck Expressway
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: (701) 221-6865
Fax: (701) 221-6845


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Contact Information

Burleigh County Extension Contacts


Who We Are

We are North Dakota State University Extension. We provide science-based education that improves the economic, health and community conditions for North Dakotans. Our emphasis is on strengthening agriculture, stimulating communities, developing youths' potential, building strong families and protecting the environment. We are the link between the public and our land-grant university, North Dakota State University, in Fargo. The land-grant university has a three-part responsibility to North Dakotans: engage in teaching, research and extending knowledge. The Extension Service, established in 1914, gets its name because it extends education from land-grant universities, such as NDSU, to people of all ages and walks of life. NDSU Extension is a trusted source of accurate and unbiased information that isn't always available from other sources. Our staff is a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to serving Burleigh County citizens.


Our Mission

Empower North Dakotans to improve their lives and communities through science-based education.

Contact Us

NDSU Extension - Burleigh
3715 East Bismarck Expressway
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: (701) 221-6865

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